michael john lalonde
Rock music will never be the same since the coming of 66 Bloor. They have
been likened to a cross between the Headstones and Ugly Kid Joe, but with
more past issues. These 5 guys have their own rating on the Ricther Scale.
Gilles Mallette does the vocals.....Kickin' ass is his motto. From down and
dirty to wailin' it.......this guy's got it all. Mike Lalonde on lead guitar
reminds one of a chainsaw wielding madman who leaves his guitar in a
smoldering disheveled mass at the end of the night. Craig Jefferson, rhythm
guitar is just that, of course the rest of the time he is that ever elusive
crimefighter "Stratman". Mike Casey.........(the new guy) is on Bass
WWWWWWWWWicked!!!!!!! Finally,......the Drummer........well what can you say
about Dave.......Dave is one of the best drummers in the North. Dave is
awesome!!Dave RULES!! All 5 of these guys have been kicking around Northern
Ontario for a while until they formed from the need to "Return the Rock" to
Northern Ontario and to put it in it's rightful place so it could be enjoyed
by all who craved it!!. 66Bloor is straight up ROCK. But don't be fooled,
these 5 guys are serious musicians. Between them they have many years of
experience. They also believe in doing things at the last minute so as to be
on the top of the pile. So keep your eyes and ears open, you'll be hearing
more of these guys.The bands covers are awesome too.
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michael john lalonde
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702 barrydowne
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72 shelley drive
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sudbury ontario
Odd Stars by Michael Lalonde
All contents of this website ©2003-2006 Michael Lalonde. All Rights
www.oddstars.com/ -
Hate Song » Archive » Guest Strip - Michael Lalonde
Great fan of Michael Lalonde and orneryboy. Good strip and good luck
to the little one and you! Alex. MIR Says: May 26th, 2006 at 3:35 am.
Congratulations! ...
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Michael Lalonde © orneryboy.com, Top MSN Emoticons and MSN Display
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Amazon.com: Lists by S. Michael LaLonde
A collection of Listmania! lists written by S. Michael LaLonde.
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